HUF & Benefits

Introduction The Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is a distinct form of Business organization peculiar to India. Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) is created by the operation of law. Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) does not have any separate legal entity from that of its members. The laws that govern HUFs are not codified and are read...

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Prohibition on acceptance of a foreign contribution

Certain persons and organizations prohibited from accepting foreign contribution No foreign contributions shall be accepted by any of the following: Candidate for election. Correspondent, columnist, cartoonist, editor, owner, printer, or publisher of a registered newspaper. Judge, government servant, or employees of any corporation or any other body controlled or owned by the government. Where...

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Powers of SEBI

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulatory body of the security and commodity market which is owned by the Government of India. SEBI has powers respect to same which are mentioned below:  Regulating the business in the stock exchange and any other securities market.  Registering and regulating the working of stockbroker,...

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Information System (IS) audit is a systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence/ information regarding the proper implementation, operation, and control of information and the Information System resources. Information Technology (IT) in banks and financial institutions, has facilitated greater systemic efficiency in the banking and financial sector. It has introduced new areas of...

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Peer Review Board

What is the Peer Review?  It means a review of work done by a professional, buy another professional of similar standing. It is a regular mechanism for monitoring the performance of professionals for maintaining the quality of service expected of them for enhancing the reliance placed by the users of financial statements for economic...

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Role of KYC in banking

The objective is to prevent fraud at entry-level. It enables the Bank to understand the customers and their financial dealings to manage their risks prudently.  The KYC policy includes:  Customer acceptance policy.  Customer Identification procedures.  Monitoring of Transactions and Risk Management. Among them, important are Customer Identification and monitoring the Transactions.   Customer Identification means...

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