How to Register in MSME?

What is MSME Registration? Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises(MSME) are businesses that are defined based on their investments. They are classified into two categories Manufacturing Enterprises and Service Enterprises. For Manufacturing Enterprises, they are defined in terms of investments in plant and machinery.  Micro-enterprises are the entities whose investment is less than Rs. 25 lakhs. Small-enterprises...

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About FSSAI: FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standard Authority of India is the supreme authority which governs the food business in India. It ensures the food product undergoes the standardized quality checks to ensure that no sale of sub-standard products. It is the main authority who is taking care of registering and licensing...

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What is PAN Card?

Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a ten-digit alphanumeric identifier, issued by the Income Tax Department. Each assessee (e.g. individual, firm, company, etc.) is issued a unique PAN. A PAN is a unique identifier issued to all judicial entities identifiable under theĀ INCOME TAX ACT 1961. The income tax PAN and its linked card are issued...

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